About us
Welcome to Harvest Christian Fellowship, a place to belong, worship, grow, and serve. Our purpose is to build the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ by bringing the unsaved to the Kingdom of Christ and into the fellowship of the Church, and to nurture believers through worship, instruction, fellowship and service.
In our services you can expect to find both contemporary and traditional worship music. Each week you will hear practical Bible based preaching that will strengthen and challenge you. You will hear us pray for nations, community, each other, and needs of our friends; and you may hear testimonies of the difference that Jesus Christ makes in daily living. Expect to see a full age range of attendees.
We are a congregation with Anabaptist Mennonite roots. Our plus one hundred years of church family history is a witness of Jesus’ power to break down dividing walls as we have worked through changes like language and music styles. We are a work in progress aiming to keep Jesus Christ at the center and join Him in His work.
We are a Faith At Home church in that we intentionally work at empowering parents to lead their children to choose Jesus and follow Him in lifestyle. We aim to resource and encourage families by giving them practical instruction and models so that they “win at home”. We are also a faith away from home congregation in that we presently have two families serving in two continents in parachurch ministries; as well as many others serving in local parachurch ministries.
Harvest Christian Fellowship is a place where you can explore and experience Christian community, worship and service. Come make a new friend; know Jesus Christ better! Taste and see that the Lord is good! We would love to see you!
our pEOPLE:
Robert Penner
Lead Pastor

Mike Giesbrecht
Assistant Pastor

Family Life Pastor

Sheri Siemens

Charla Bergen