Sundays at 9 am - Sunday School for children ages 3-Grade 12 Mondays (1st & 3rd) at 7:30 pm - Open Circle Ladies Fellowship
Mondays (2nd & 4th) at 7 pm - Women of Faith
Tuesdays (2nd & 4th) at 7 pm - Brothers of the Way
Wednesdays at 7 pm - Jr & Sr Youth
Thursdays at 6:30 pm - Awana Clubs
Fridays (bi-weekly) at 7 pm - Young Adults
We're glad you've visited and would love to see you involved in the many areas of the church.

Kid's Ministry
Our SUNDAY SCHOOL PROGRAM is open to children ages 3 to grade 12. Sunday School begins at 9:00 am. The morning is filled with prayer, singing, Bible stories, lessons, activities, crafts and more to create an exciting and energizing experience. Sunday school for children runs from September to June each year.
Our AWANA PROGRAM is for kids ages 3 to grade 6. It runs every Thursday, 6:30- 8 pm from September to April. The evenings are filled with games, worship and learning the word of God.*Kids must be pre-registered to attend.*
Adult Sunday School
Have you been wanting to study God’s Word but have not been sure where to begin? Well, Adult Sunday School would be a great place to start. Adult Sunday School is an insightful look at God’s word as you study and discuss what it means for your life in today’s world. This has become a great place to gather together to take an honest view of the Bible. One where we allow God to lead the dance and we follow. God’s Word is alive and active and can reveal the needs of our own lives, the lives of our loved ones and the needs of the Billions of souls who call this Planet home. God has blessed us with His words of revelation, wisdom, encouragement, honesty, insight and promises. There is nothing else like His book to us. Come join us as we allow the Holy Spirit to teach us God’s Word.
Adult Sunday School takes place each Sunday at 9:00 am in the Fellowship Hall.

Jr & Sr Youth
Our Junior Youth Group is open to young people in grades 7 & 8.
Our Senior Youth Group is open to anyone in grades 9-12.
We meet on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 from September until June.
Our evenings are full of worship, prayer, and fun!
For the latest upcoming events, connect with our Youth on Instagram.

Women's Ministry
Throughout the year we have various women's ministry opportunities. Click below to find where you could fit in.

Pastoral Support
Need to talk to one of our Pastoral staff. Send us a message.
Young Adults
We are blessed to have a large number of young adults that attend Harvest Christian Fellowship for our church services. In order to keep in step with this opportunity, we’ve started Young Adults Group. The group meets bi-weekly on Fridays at 7pm from September to June. These evenings include a bible study and discussion around life and faith all while building relationships with one another.
Seniors Faspa
Senior's Faspa is currently paused. We hope to have it up and running again soon.

Life Groups
The purpose of the Life Groups ministry is to be a transformative community of HCF attendees that lives out the good news of Jesus Christ through caring for and serving one another as well as the community around them spiritually, emotionally and physically.

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